Alleima must be prepared for a crisis and all locations, units and/or sites and within the company shall have plans and processes for a serious incident and crisis management in place in accordance to their identified risks.
If a crisis or serious incident do occur, it should managed as close to the incident as possible. Alleima communications should always be notified and remember that all external communications should be handled by Alleima Group Communications
To ensure that unexpected events are managed properly, consistently and at the right organizational level within Alleima, it is necessary to have a common Group approach for incident and crisis management and to establish the right capability where necessary.
The overall purpose of our incident and crisis management is to minimize harm to people and environments, damage to our business, ensure a swift return to normal activities and safeguard the corporate brand.
Alleima incident and crisis management shall be based on the following:
An incident and crisis shall be managed where it occurs and by those who are closest affected and responsible.
An incident and crisis shall be managed at the lowest appropriate organizational level, with support and co-ordination at the highest necessary organizational level.
During an incident or crisis, the regular operations shall, as far as possible, function in a similar way as during normal conditions.'