Steam generator tubes

Tube, pipe, fittings and flanges

Alleima produces nuclear steam generator tubes that meet the most stringent Eddy Current multifrequency inspection demands and a signal-to-noise ratio of 15:1 or better.

Steam generator tubes

The tubes are manufactured in a mill specially dedicated for the production of long U-bent steam generator tubes, with state-of-the-art non destructive examination (NDE) equipment.

Size range and alloys

The Alleima portfolio includes steam generator tubes in two alloys in size range OD 10-25.4 mm (0.394-1 in.):

Sanicro® 69 N06690 (Alloy 690) NC 30FE
Sanicro® 30 N08800 (Alloy 800) -

Sanicro® 69

Sanicro® 69 (Alloy 690) is primarily used in nuclear power plants of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) type. For this application Sanicro 69 is used in the 'thermally treated' condition, and is characterized by:

  • Extremely high resistance to stress corrosion cracking in PWR primary side water conditions
  • Good corrosion resistance in caustic environments
  • Good structural stability
  • Good weldability

Product standards

  • Seamless condenser tubes and heat exchanger tubes: ASTM B 163


  • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel section II ASME SB 163, AFCEN RCCM M4105

From melt to final tube

Our quality control process starts from the melt stage with a material content analysis and continues through each stage of production, including extrusion, pilgering, and inspection, testing and marking – and all documentation.

Featured articles

Press release (non-regulatory) 22 December, 2023

Alleima receives a major order for steam generator tubes in the Nuclear segment

Alleima has received a major order for steam generator tubes, to a total value of approximately SEK 220 million. The receipt of this order is a clear proof of Alleima’s strong position in the Nuclear segment.

Feature story 19 June, 2023

The next big thing in nuclear

Small-scale nuclear reactors are starting to be developed around the world. Designed to introduce more flexibility in the nuclear energy industry, they are set to open up new opportunities.

Feature story 30 April, 2023

How nuclear became a fuel for the future – again

As the world seeks to solve an increasingly complex energy puzzle, nuclear has once again made its way to the top of the political agenda.

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