Datasheet updated

2024-01-11 10:32
(supersedes all previous editions)

Nylon is a magnet wire overcoat used:

  1. To improve chemical resistance when applied over polyurethane and polyesterimide base coats
  2. To improve wire windability in coiling operations (when used also with any of SPC’s self-bonds)
  3. To reduce the coefficient of friction during insertion processes. This last benefit is found most useful in thermocouple manufacturing processes

This coating is not intended to provide any benefit to electrical performance in coated wire products.

Data below represents typical wire properties when Nylon is used as an overcoat with a polyurethane basecoat (MW83-C) or a polyesterimide base coat (MW78-C).

Electrical Properties

Electrical Properties NEMA MW1000 ASTM D1676 IEC 851 JIS C3003 MW 78-C (Heavy), 24 AWG MW83-C (Heavy), 24 AWG
Dielectric Strength @ 25 °C 69-75 13-4.2,3,4 11.1 13.5 kV 9.4 kV
Dissipation Factor @ 170 °C - 1kHz 107-114 0.14 0.15
Tangent Delta (DIN) 55/164 °C 66/167 °C

Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties NEMA MW1000 ASTM D1676 IEC 851 JIS C3003 MW 78-C (Heavy), 24 AWG MW83-C (Heavy), 24 AWG
Adherence and Flexibility
No Snap 141-148 8.1 Pass Pass
20% Snap 141-148 9.1 Pass Pass
Cut-Through Temperature 61-68 264 °C 248 °C
MW83-C Solderability 360 °C (No Flux) 178-185 n/a 4.5 sec.
MW78-C Solderability 455 °C (No Flux) 178-185 6.0 sec. n/a

Disclaimer: Recommendations are for guidance only, and the suitability of a material for a specific application can be confirmed only when we know the actual service conditions. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This datasheet is only valid for Alleima materials.