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The Annual General Meeting of Alleima AB was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 4:00 PM CEST at the Göransson Arena, Sätragatan 21, Sandviken, Sweden.

Press release after Annual General Meeting 2023

View presentation of the Chairman of the Board*

View presentation of the President and CEO*

(* In Swedish with English subtitles)


Minutes AGM 2023  (DOCX, 186 kB)

Attachment 1: Notice to convene AGM 2023  (DOCX, 199 kB)

Attachment 2: Postal voting form 2023  (PDF, 240 kB)

Attachment 3: Voting list (not public)

Attachment 4: Annual Report 2022  (PDF, 8.8 MB)

Attachment 5: Auditor's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 8 section 54  (PDF, 117 kB)

Attachment 6: Board's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 18 section 4  (DOCX, 177 kB)

Attachment 7: Board's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 19 section 22  (DOCX, 70 kB)

Attachment 8: Proposals from Nomination Committee (DOCX, 25 kB)

Attachment 9: Statement from Nomination Committee (DOCX, 26 kB)

Attachment 10: Presentation of proposed Board of Directors 2023  (DOCX, 77 kB)

Attachment 11: Board's Remuneration Report 2022  (DOCX, 201 kB)

Notice AGM 2023

Notice convening the AGM 2023  (DOCX, 199 kB)

Board of Directors’ proposals, statements and report

Board's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 18 section 4  (DOCX, 177 kB)

Board's Remuneration Report 2022  (DOCX, 201 kB)

Board's proposal for Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives (DOCX, 85 kB)

Board's proposal on LTI 2023  (DOCX, 85 kB)

Board’s proposal for authorization to resolve on acquisition of own shares (DOCX, 80 kB)

Board's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 19 section 22  (DOCX, 70 kB)

Nomination Committee’s proposals and statement

Proposals from Nomination Committee (DOCX, 25 kB)

Statement from Nomination Committee (DOCX, 26 kB)

Presentation of proposed Board of Directors 2023  (DOCX, 77 kB)


Auditor's statement pursuant to Companies Act Chapter 8 section 54  (PDF, 117 kB)