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The next-generation compressor valve steel makes compressors a lot more energy efficient.


Freeflex™ is a hardened and tempered martensitic stainless compressor valve steel with unique chemical composition making it ideally suited for use in the challenging compressor valve environment, where its enhanced fatigue properties allow it to withstand even tougher operational conditions.

In short, Freeflex™ makes compressors more energy efficient – a small piece of steel with unique capabilities.


Cooling is everywhere: from refrigerators to freezers, air conditioners and countless other devices in our homes, businesses, and offices. Cooling is also an incredibly energy-intensive process – just look at what happens to your utility bills when you’ve been maxing out the AC during summer!

With temperatures, populations, and industrialization on the up around the world, the global need for cooling is only expected to grow.

The more efficient a cooling system is, the less energy it uses. Our Freeflex™ compressor valve steel significantly reduces the energy usage of the refrigerators and air-conditioning units in which they are installed. And, as we all know, less energy used means less CO2 emitted.

You may wonder how much difference a tiny compressor valve can really make. The answer is quite a lot.

In the period 2012-2022, the energy efficiency of the world has improved by approximately 18% with the help of new valve materials with improved design, durability and mechanical properties. 18% energy efficiency improvements over 10 years correspond to the power of five modern nuclear power plants (about 50 TWh). This corresponds to carbon savings of 21,250,000 tons.

Curious about Freeflex™? Click here to find out more >>