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Our program of hardened and tempered compressor valve steel includes two types of stainless steel and one carbon steel.

List of compressor valve steel grades
Grade Description
Freeflex® A hardened and tempered martensitic stainless compressor valve steel alloyed with copper with excellent dimensional tolerances and flatness.
Hiflex™ A new generation of high-fatigue resistance stainless chromium steel giving design freedom for valves in high-frequency and high-pressure compressors.
7C27Mo2 A martensitic stainless chromium steel alloyed with molybdenum that has higher fatigue strength than our 20C.
20C* A carbon steel with 1% carbon, offering high fatigue strength.
Tensile strength and thicknesses
Our grade Tensile strength, MPa (ksi) Thickness, mm (in.)
Freeflex® 2020 (293) 0.076-0.6 (0.003-0.0236)
Hiflex™ 1900 (276) 0.152-1.0
7C27Mo2 1800 (261) 0.152-1.2
20C* 1600-2100 (232-305) 0.152-1.2

* Contact us for more information