Board proceedings during 2022

During the year, the Board has so far held sixteen meetings, including four per capsulam resolutions, and plans to hold another four. The President presented the 2025 strategy. The Presidents of all Divisions presented their goals and strategies. The Board adopted the Group’s policy portfolio, the Alleima Way, and reviewed the Group’s key risk control mechanisms, such as the internal controls, the Compliance programs and the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system. The Board further oversaw the preparations for the Company’s listing on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange and approved the prospectus for such listing.

The Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee reported from their respective meetings. In respect to the Audit Committee, reported matters included accounting principles, financial outcome, ERM, compliance, Speak Up and Code of Conduct, internal control and internal audit as well as the result of the external audit. The Committees also submitted matters for resolution by the Board and the minutes and reports from these meetings were made available to the Board members.

Remuneration of the Board

As resolved at the 2022 Annual General Meeting, the fee to the Chairman of the Board is SEK 1,350,000 and the fee to each of the non-executive Board members elected by the General Meeting is SEK 470,000.

In addition, SEK 200,000 will be paid to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and SEK 100,000 to each of the other Committee members, in total SEK 400,000. The Chairman of the Remuneration Committee was paid SEK 100,000 and each of the other Committee members SEK 70,000, in total SEK 170,000. For more detailed information on remuneration of the Board members, see the Prospectus for the distribution of the shares in Alleima Holding AB.

Evaluation of the work of the Board

To ensure the quality of the work of the Board and to identify the possible need for further expertise and experience, the work of the Board and its members will be evaluated annually. In 2022, the evaluation, which will be led by the Chairman of the Board, will be carried out by way of each Board member responding anonymously to an online questionnaire. The Chairman will also hold separate evaluation discussions with all Board members. The compiled results of the evaluations will be presented to the Board as well as to the Nomination Committee.

Attendance at Board and Committee Meetings in 2022 (YTD)

Members Board Audit committee Remuneration committee
Total number of meetings 16 4 4
Göran Björkman 16
Claes Boustedt 16 4
Kerstin Konradsson 16 4
Tomas Kärnström 16
Mikael Larsson 16
Andras Nordbrandt 16 4
Susanne Pahlén Åkerlundh 16 1 1)
Maria Sundqvist 16
Niclas Widell 16
Karl Åberg 16 4

1) Elected at the General Meeting 27 April 2022