About the board

The Board of Directors is responsible for the company’s organization and the management of the company’s business. The Board is required to continuously monitor the company’s and the Group’s financial position.

The Board is to ensure that the company’s organization is designed in a way that ensures that the financial statements, the management of assets and the company’s financial condition in general are controlled in a satisfactory manner.

The President and CEO is appointed by the Board and is responsible for the daily operations pursuant to guidelines and instructions issued by the Board. The distribution of responsibilities between the Board and the President is laid down in the Board’s Procedural Guidelines which are reviewed and adopted each year. The review is based on such aspects as the Board’s evaluation of the individual and collective work that the Board performs.

In addition to financial reporting and the monitoring and follow-up of daily operations and profit trend, Board meetings address the goals and strategies for the operations, significant acquisitions and investments, as well as matters relating to the capital structure. Senior executives report business plans and strategic issues to the Board on an ongoing basis.


Alleima's board consists of six members elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Board composition is the result of the work of the Nomination Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting.

The Nomination Committee applies rule 4.1 of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance as the diversity policy. The Board consists of members with experience from different geographic areas and different industry sectors. Excluding the President, 40 percent of the Board members elected by the General Meeting are women.

Pursuant to Swedish legislation, trade unions are entitled to representation on the Board and they have appointed two members and two deputies.

The Board members are presented in Board of Directors.


Karl Åberg is not regarded as independent in relation to major shareholders in the company and Göran Björkman is not regarded as independent in relation to the company and its executive management. The other four Board members elected by the General Meeting are all independent in relation to Alleima and its executive management, as well as the company’s major shareholders. Accordingly, the composition of the Board complies with the independence requirements of the Code.