Sandvik is a world-leading producer of near-net shape (NNS) products produced by hot isostatic pressing (HIP). Sandvik's HIP products are based on powder metallurgy and range from 100 grams to 15 tonnes in weight. They are produced in a wide range of materials, such as:

  • Austenitic stainless steels
  • Duplex stainless steels
  • Martensitic steels
  • Metal matrix composites (MMC)
  • Nickel alloys
  • Titanium

Application areas

Sandvik's HIP products are used for a wide range of applications within, for example, offshore and power generation. Here are some examples of hot isostatic pressed (HIP) products:

Enhanced product properties

The ability to manufacture HIP products with irregular shapes and complex geometry offers several advantages over castings, forgings and fabricated materials, both in terms of design flexibility and material properties.

The fine microstructure and isostatic pressure with which the HIP products are processed result in isotropic mechanical properties, in other words, properties that are equal in all directions. The isotropic properties can contribute to, for example, lighter constructions.

Main advantages with products produced by hot isostatic pressing:

  • Increased design flexibility
  • Reduction of costly operations like machining and welding
  • Improved process safety
  • Enhanced material properties

Read more about the advantages of using products produced by powder metallurgy-based hot isostatic pressing (PM HIP)