The CE alloys cover a wide range of compositions ranging from Al27%Si up to Al85%Si. Consequently, the properties vary greatly and the techniques for working with different CE alloys can vary markedly.
Design and machining
For example, at the high Al end of scale (e.g. alloys CE17 and CE13) the CE alloys behave in a similar manner to conventional Al alloys. However, at the high Si end of the scale (e.g. alloy CE7 and CE9) CE alloys are relatively brittle and design rules should be followed. In addition, machining conditions and tooling have been specially developed by Sandvik, enabling Sandvik to supply CNC and/or EDM machined components.
Read more about machining and design
Welding and lidding
Laser welding is possible in CE alloys with up to 50% Si. It is possible to seal alloys CE9 and CE7 packages using special technologies developed by Sandvik.
Read more about welding and lidding
Plating and surface treatment
Regardless of composition, CE alloys are electrically conducting and, therefore, electroplating can be carried out without difficulty, subject to correct surface preparation.
Read more about plating and surface treatment
Soldering, brazing and feedthroughs
Conventional soldering and feedthrough assembly technology can be applied for all the CE alloys, similar to conventional Al alloys, but with some optimization for each CE alloy composition.
Read more about soldering, brazing and feedthroughs
CE alloys can be joined to each other, other Al alloys, other metals and ceramics by diffusion bonding and other techniques.